For consumers who are faced with financial struggles and present with a poor credit score, it can feel impossible to be approved for a loan or financing. At iLoans, we make it a priority to provide Blacklisted Personal Loans to South African individuals who need it the most, and work with lenders that are trustworthy and approved by the National Credit Regulator (NCR).
Despite being blacklisted, consumers should know that there are options when times are tough and financial assistance is needed. The economy has taken a few big knocks in recent years, and low to middle class consumers are taking most of the strain, struggling to afford even the most basic of living expenses. In the past, bad credit was easy to avoid and debt could be easily overcome, however this has changed as the number of blacklisted consumers rise, and the need for financial relief has become more urgent and widespread. iLoans offers dependable and transparent Blacklisted Personal Loans, which can be the solution you are looking for.
At iLoans, we can help you to find stability in the face of stressful life circumstances or urgent and unplanned events, by offering Blacklisted Personal Loans. When you apply for a loan, we consider your affordability and plan the repayment terms around this, while also doing our best for timeous loan approval. Our team also advise clients to only apply for a loan of the amount that they need if they are blacklisted, keeping it as low as possible to avoid any issues in repaying what they owe. Blacklisted individuals have already struggled to keep up with past payments, and as such need to carefully consider their means for repayment when they enter new credit agreements. You can count on us to impart professional advice in this regard.
Our iLoans team will help you to be approved for a personal loan, even as a South African who has a less than ideal credit report. Being granted a Blacklisted Personal Loan will mean that you have to sign valuables against the funds that you are receiving, so that it is secure finance, giving the lender security in the agreement. What this means for you is that, should you default on your payments, the lender can legally take ownership of the valuables you’ve agreed to place as collateral. As long as you honour the repayment terms stipulated in your loan agreement, there are no downfalls to a Blacklisted Personal Loan.
You can apply for your Blacklisted Personal Loan on our website, from wherever is most convenient for you. If you aren’t sure of the process or have any questions or concerns, our team of professionals are available to help. Just because you are blacklisted and have a bad credit history, does not mean you should be unable to access a loan when you need one.